Tenant representation
- Premises search and selection
- Direct development planning
- Support recruiting of franchisees and master franchisees
To follow growth at every single step.
Territory, knowledge of local situations, ability to follow every planning and operational aspects in the development of a brand, constant liaising with franchisees and master franchisees. These are the quality services offered by the Development Business Unit, with the added value of 30 years of experience in the field.
The value of Reno’s operational support is apparent in the consultancy approach at the basis of every local evaluation, in the accuracy of the data supplied to the data for the overall evaluation of the proposed location, in a daily relationship with the retailer in the different commercial channels, in the recognition as a serious and reliable interlocutor by marketing Properties and Companies.
Location search and selection
This represents the core business of the Development Business Unit. It is a comprehensive intervention. Together with the brand management, we define the following requirements:
- brand positioning
- point of sale dimension
- target and typology of clients
- development objectives
- affinity and critical issues in the relationship with other competitors or other merchandising categories
On the basis of this data, we select suitable existing locations in the target commercial channels for the client: shopping centres, retail parks, stand alone premises, factory outlets, travel retail, commercially relevant historical and urban centres, traffic road and ex-industrial areas. We plan with the client imminent construction/commercialisation openings and put forward the available options to the decision makers.
We support the client at every stage of the financial negotiations relating to the location, to their successful completion.

Analysis of the opening potential
The accurate monitoring of the current and future commercial property market has allowed us to build a large database that includes all the Italian shopping centres, classified on the basis of constantly updated quantitative and qualitative parameters (size, brands already present, catchment area, turnovers, flows, costs).
In a similar manner, an analysis of flows (residential, professional, touristic and commercial) has allows us to reclassify Italian municipalities on the basis of the “centrality” concept, creating an essential instrument for the correct planning of distribution on the different channels: multibrand, corner, shop in shop and monobrand. We evaluate centres to be completed in the future, re-commercialisations (taking over existing brands), renegotiations of lease conditions, sale-purchase of individual locations or entire chains.
Support at every stage of the negotiations.
Comprehensive consultancy, from premises negotiations to the selection of potential partners
Beginning and management of premises negotiations
We support the client at every stage of the financial negotiations relating to the location, to their successful completion. For the development of franchising formulae, we can assist both in terms of identifying potential franchisees, and as an outsourced service for the overall management of recruiting activities, from the identification and profiling of potential franchisees, to the development of the franchising project, up to the signature of the preliminary franchising contract and the match with the most appropriate location.
Identification and selection of partners
Complex entrepreneurial figures are not always privileged interlocutors in the development of a profitable franchise. We support you in the management of prospects, from first contact to the conclusion of the negotiations.
Liaison with Master Franchisees
The identification of the most complex entrepreneurial figures, such as regional Master franchisees or country Master franchisees for development abroad, and liaising with them requires a targeted and personalised approach: direct liaison with these interlocutors operating in other markets (property, financial, multibrand retailing) gives us the opportunity to propose them a portfolio differentiation with other franchising projects. In this way we give access to high potential profiles, the most suitable to support long-reaching developing partnerships.